Sunday, 21 May 2023

FYP 2 (Week 10)

For this week, I have changed and corrected the report for the methodology chapter. I have changed the Arduino IoT Cloud related stuff to Blynk Application. In addition, I have also made some changes to my project flow chart and have made the final circuit connections for this project using the Proteus application. Next, I also did the final testing for my project on 19 May 2023 located in Stulang Laut, Johor Bahru. I chose that location because the area near the sea often has relatively fast wind compared to the city area but we can see in figure 5 that the wind speed result that night is not that strong.

Figure 1: Flow Chart of the Project

Figure 2: Final Circuit Connection of the Project

Figure 3: Third Testing

Figure 4: Blynk Application Graph

Figure 5: Result for the Third Testing

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