Saturday, 31 December 2022

FYP 1 (Week 12)

For this week, my supervisor has set a meeting on Wednesday to discuss about the Proposal Defence presentation that was held last week. During the meeting, Madam Azliza asked about the assessor's questions and comments about his students' projects. I told him about the assessor’s comment which is about the decision making for my project that can cause false alarms to users. I have also shown her the latest flowchart of my project. After that, at the end of the meeting, she asked me to send my draft report from chapter 1 to chapter 3. She asked me to send it in week 13 to check for plagiarism before submitting the final proposal report. Therefore, for this week as well, I have rechecked all the contents and drafts I made before sending to Madam Azliza.

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