Friday, 24 March 2023

FYP 2 (Week 1)

For this week, I have bought the components that need to be use to build this "Development of Wind Speed ​​Monitoring System Using Microcontroller" project from Cytron Technologies Sdn Bhd. When all the components have arrived, I have tried to start the first process which is to write coding using the Arduino IDE application. The first coding I want to do is for the anemometer to calculate the wind speed and display the wind speed on the serial monitor. While in the process, I have used a small fan as a wind source but I can't get the correct wind speed value instead I only get a value of 0 m/s. Therefore, I have bought an arduino uno to make sure that my anemometer sensor is in good condition and when using the arduino uno I have got the value of the wind speed.

Figure 1: Receipt (1)

Figure 2: Receipt (2)

Figure 3: Wind Source

Figure 4: Using ESP8266 as a Microcontroller

Figure 5: Wind Speed Value When Using ESP8266

Figure 6: Using Arduino Uno as a Microcontroller

Figure 7: Wind Speed Value When Using Arduino Uno

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