Saturday, 1 April 2023

FYP 2 (Week 4)

For this week, I have started to do research about Blynk. As a first step, I have tried a video tutorial on Youtube where the video shows how to control the on/off button for LED using Blynk. This process is to make it easier for me to understand how to setup and use Blynk. After following the process of the video, I managed to control the LED by using the Blynk website and the Blynk application on the phone. Then I started to apply the Blynk to my project. After finishing the coding, I found that there is a problem where the gauge widget on the Blynk will always refresh to 0 when detecting the wind speed. Then, the other problem is the measured wind speed in Blynk is only in integer number and doesn't have option to display in decimal number. So, it is not suitable for my project because the highest wind speed value for my wind source is a maximum of 5 m/s and if there is no decimal value, it is difficult to see the change in the wind speed. Also on Wednesday, there is workshop 2 which aims to give a briefing on thesis writing for chapters 1 - 3. The meeting is held at 2.30 pm online on the Microsoft Teams.

Figure 1: Tutorial for Blynk on Youtube

Figure 2: Blynk Application

Figure 3: Workshop 2

Figure 4: Workshop 2(1)

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