Friday, 24 March 2023

FYP 2 (Week 3)

For this week, I continued to do research on the problem I faced, which is not getting any wind speed value when using NodeMCU ESP8266. Then, using the same circuit connection, I changed the supply for the anemometer sensor from Vin (ESP8266) to 5V (Arduino Uno) to ensure that the supply of the anemometer sensor is sufficient to operate the sensor. After making the connection, the sensor can read the wind speed without any problem. So I found out that the Vin pin on the NodeMCU ESP8266 is not deliver 5V. On Wednesday, I went to met with Madam Azliza to update about the progress for my project. During the meeting, I told all the problems I faced as well as some additions to my project if my original project went smoothly. The addition I would like to add is the weather forecast, where the OLED Display will display the upcoming weather conditions. For the weather forecast, all information about the weather will be taken from the website

Figure 1: Wind Speed when using Arduino Uno Supply

Figure 2: OpenWeather Website

FYP 2 (Week 2)

For this week, I have made a research about the problem I am facing which is not getting any speed value when using NodeMCU ESP8266 as a microcontroller. In addition, I have also come across a post on a Facebook group, where there are other people who have had the same problem. Therefore, I have messaged him to ask about the problem. For this week as well, there is a workshop on Wednesday at 2.30 PM - 4.30 PM. It was the first workshop for this semester, where it was a general briefing for all final year project students. During the workshop, the lecturer talked about the process and every work that needs to be done throughout this semester in general.

Figure 1: Facebook Posting

Figure 2: Conversation about the problem

Figure 3: Workshop 1

FYP 2 (Week 1)

For this week, I have bought the components that need to be use to build this "Development of Wind Speed ​​Monitoring System Using Microcontroller" project from Cytron Technologies Sdn Bhd. When all the components have arrived, I have tried to start the first process which is to write coding using the Arduino IDE application. The first coding I want to do is for the anemometer to calculate the wind speed and display the wind speed on the serial monitor. While in the process, I have used a small fan as a wind source but I can't get the correct wind speed value instead I only get a value of 0 m/s. Therefore, I have bought an arduino uno to make sure that my anemometer sensor is in good condition and when using the arduino uno I have got the value of the wind speed.

Figure 1: Receipt (1)

Figure 2: Receipt (2)

Figure 3: Wind Source

Figure 4: Using ESP8266 as a Microcontroller

Figure 5: Wind Speed Value When Using ESP8266

Figure 6: Using Arduino Uno as a Microcontroller

Figure 7: Wind Speed Value When Using Arduino Uno